Shab E Barat Hadith

يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ لَمْ أَرَكَ تَصُومُ شَهْرًا مِنَ الشُّهُورِ مَا تَصُومُ مِنْ شَعْبَانَ ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏ "‏ ذَلِكَ شَهْرٌ يَغْفُلُ النَّاسُ عَنْهُ بَيْنَ رَجَبٍ وَرَمَضَانَ وَهُوَ شَهْرٌ تُرْفَعُ فِيهِ الأَعْمَالُ إِلَى رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ فَأُحِبُّ أَنْ يُرْفَعَ عَمَلِي وَأَنَا صَائِمٌ ‏"

'O Messenger of Allah, I do not see you fasting any month as much as Shaban.' He said: 'That is a month to which people do not pay much attention, between Rajab and Ramadan. It is a month in which the deeds are taken up to the Lord of the worlds, and I like that my deeds be taken up when I am fasting."'

Sunan an-Nasa'i 2357


Shab E Barat Hadith is an Islamic observance that is celebrated on the 15th of Sha’ban, the eighth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The day commemorates the night when Allah (SWT) forgives those who repent of their sins and forgives those who ask for forgiveness. It is believed that the gates of Heaven are opened on this night and the doors of Hell are closed. It is believed that on this night, Allah (SWT) sends down angels from the heavens to earth to record the deeds of all living creatures. It is said that Allah (SWT) multiplies his mercy on this night and forgives all those who sincerely ask for his forgiveness. It is also believed that on this night, the fate of all individuals is written for the coming year.

Shab E Barat Hadith encourages believers to spend the night in prayer, fasting, and repentance. It is believed that the rewards of these acts of worship are multiplied on this night, and that those who perform them are granted forgiveness. It is also customary to give charity on this night, as a way to honor Allah (SWT) and to seek his mercy.

Eternal Aid is a Leading Charity based in the United Kingdom, working across the globe.

A group of volunteers came together on this charity initiative and spent the next few years supporting various campaigns and appeals across the world.

These volunteers were inspired by the depths of deprivation and need, as well as the opportunity to make a significant difference to communities all over the globe in desperate circumstances.

They decided to make it a permanent venture and thus Eternal Aid was born. In the last few years, Eternal Aid has been successfully working in many countries. Eternal Aid has provided essentials such as food, water, clothing, medical equipment, education as well as developing sustainable projects.

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